Toll Free 1-866 383-2295

Our commitment to a Clean Marina

Our marina has been a member of the Ontario Marina Operators Association (OMOA) since inception  50+ years ago. In 1995 the Association hired an independent business -Green Leaf Environmental with the help of government funding- to conduct a Clean Marine Anchor Rating Program.  Green Leaf conducts an onsite verification and a thorough 26 page questionnaire to rate interested marinas every four years.  Wright’s Marina Limited joined the program in 1999 when attending the Ontario Marina Convention.  With the changing of family ownership we attained a one out of five anchor rating in the Spring of 2000.  As our attention to the environment grew, we increased our Anchor rating as we implemented environmental initiatives into the day to day operations of our marina.  In 2008, we achieved the highest 5 Anchor rating available at that time -along with a few other Ontario marinas.

In 2010 the OMOA rebranded to – Boating Ontario – and continued to push the environmental issues of the fresh waterways.  As the government funding for the program dried up, the Clean Marine Program became supported solely by Boating Ontario and participating marinas.  Also in 2010,  Green Leaf implemented a four year inspection and a new rating system( Gold, Diamond and Platinum) on top of the Anchor ratings in hopes of inspiring marinas to stay onboard the Clean Marine Program.  At our summer inspection in 2010 we were granted the GOLD Level Ranking.  A small number of marinas achieved this ranking.  As a result, we were nationally recognized and awarded the 2010 Green Marine Environmental Award from the Canadian Safe Boating Council – a very high honour.

In the summer of 2014, with all the upgrades to the marina over the couple of years, we graduated to a Diamond Rating.  Decreased use of paper, new high efficiency lighting in buildings, 4 stroke rentals,  new fuel dual tank/dispenser/dock upgrades, employee training and office improvements boosted our marina to the second highest DIAMOND Ranking.  We continue to build on the previous efforts with disposal,  garbage, recycling, yard conditions, employee training, cleanliness and office improvements in an effort to enhance the marina conditions for our clients.  We have you to thank as we couldn’t have done it without the efforts of our boaters and cottagers who contribute and push us to be better. Thank you! With the large number of clean marinas in Ontario, we are set to be re-evaluated in 2020.

Perhaps you have already signed the pledge in previous years, but it is time once again to pledge to be a clean boater. Please read, sign and comply with the Tenant Agreement & Tenant Information form below:

Clean Marine Tenant Agreement & Tenant Information forms

Please review then download the following forms.
We ask that you fill out both forms, print and return to Wright’s Marina at your earliest convenience.

Clean Marine Tenant Agreement Form

Tenant Information Form (fillable)



Tips For Green Boating

Tips to be a Clean Boater

  1. Engine oil leaks/fuel into bilge: It is important to have your engine tuned and cared for to prevent fuel and oil leaks. Using an oil absorbent pad (bilge boom), under your engine will help collect oil leaks or drips. Be sure to check and change the boom or pad often and dispose of the hazardous waste at a marina or hazardous waste collection centre.

  2. Discharging of bilge: Boats should not discharge their boats at the marina dock. They should bilge when out in open water away from enclosed areas.
  3. For oil changes: It is best to use an oil change pump to transfer oil to a spill proof container. Use an oil absorbent pad under to hold and twist the oil filter, thereby preventing an oil spill into the bilge.
  4. Fueling of tank: Have the attendant use an absorbent pad to catch drips or spills when fueling. A slow fill to 90% full helps to decrease overflow out the vent especially in warm weather. Use of a spill container suctioned to the side of the boat over the overflow vent will also catch drips if there are issues with fuel filling back up.
  5. Cleaning and maintenance while in the water: Work should be done in the boat yard prior to launch away from the water. If you are working while in the water, be sure to minimize the impact by containing waste as best as possible with tarps and vacuum sanders to collect any drips or debris.
  6. Reducing toxic discharge from bottom paints: Dry storage reduces the need for antifouling paints. Be sure to use non-toxic antifouling paints if painting the boat bottom.
  7. Hazardous waste: Be sure to ask the marina where to dispose of used/old batteries, paint, antifreeze, cleaning products, oil and oil filters, or old gas. They likely have containers on site, but they may be able to direct you to the local hazardous waste disposal site.
  8. Sewage waste: Dispose of black water at the marina pump out station. The attendant will pump the tank as required upon request and should ask you to pump water through the tank after the tank has emptied. No black water should ever enter the water in Canadian waters. While at the marina dock, try to use the marina facilities instead of onboard heads. Use the marine rapid dissolving toilet paper. Using a recommended chemical in the waste tank will prevent odours and will also aid in the breakdown of solids in the tank.
  9. Recycling and Garbage: Be sure to separate your recycling and garbage according to the marina protocol. You may need to look ahead at websites to be sure you can leave your garbage and recycling there. Never throw bags, fishing line, or cigarette butts into the water.
  10. Greywater discharge: Be sure to use a phosphate-free biodegradable soap to decrease the impact on the environment. There are many products available on the market, but be sure to use an eco friendly product.

N 45 46.057 ~ W 80 35.829


1624 Riverside Dr.
P.O. Box 160
Britt, Ontario  CA
P0G 1A0


1 866 383-2295
T. 705 383-2295

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